Born and raised on the breathtaking island of Kauai, Brianna Cope is a professional surfer whose life has been intrinsically intertwined with the beauty and power of the ocean. From the young age of 4, she began riding the waves, guided by her older sister Gabrielle and their father, who ignited her love for surfing on a longboard. Brianna's journey in competitive surfing commenced at just 10 years old, and at 11, she secured her first surf competition victory—a pivotal moment that solidified her dream of becoming a professional surfer. Since then, she has fearlessly competed on the prestigious World Surf League challenger series, showcasing her exceptional talent and unwavering dedication to the sport. Despite being born with a birth defect, which affected her left hand, Brianna has triumphed over challenges through her unyielding spirit and her love for the waves.